Serigraphie Populaire: poster art extraordinaire

[ DIY or DIE! ]



Ka-Pok G/F. 9 Dragon Road. Tin Hau, Hong Kong / www.ka-pok.com
January 29 – Feb 8, 2007
Opening:  Saturday Feb 3, 2007

Screen-printing design duo Seripop (Montreal), makes show posters that abuse colour, disembowel type, and contort the mind. This exhibition features some of their many hand-printed posters and exclusive art prints that are representative of a technique and style unique the noise rock movement that emerged across North America.  

Seripop’s visual aesthetic has become an expression of a music culture and attitude that is not so prominent in Hong Kong. DIY ethics, independent culture, and punk lie at the crux of their work. Fittingly, the two are also a part of noise rock band Aids Wolf, and have toured their music and art extensively across US and Europe.

Strong abiders of DIY ethic and culture, Seripop does all the printing themselves in their studio: the 100-Sided Die, which has become a cultural enclave for notable local musician and artists.  Along with show posters, Seripop also produces art prints, drawings, designs for record covers and t-shirts that ravage the public and the streets with swirling colours, jarring lines and chaotic imagery. Their posters have been featured in numerous art and design books including: Art of Modern Rock by Paul Grushkin and Denis King, Swag (Rock Posters of the 90’s) by Spencer Drate, New Masters of Poster Design by John Foster, and Panda Meat by Frank Kozik. 

In June 2006, Seripop was invited to do the poster new experimental music festival in Hong Kong: Sand Fest that took place at Para/site Art Space in co-production with White Noise Records.

Continuing the link between art and music, White Noise Records will be inviting Runar Magnusson (Iceland) to perform.  His experimental sounds share an attitude towards music that compliments the aesthetic and drive of Seripop. A raucous DJ set by Elle est Chi_NOISE who will be spinning anything from feedback to gangsta rap, will follow.

All original prints are stamped and numbered and will be available at Ka-Pok starting January 29.  Please inquire with Arnault @ Ka-pok for further info: arnault@ka-pok.com | +852 2549 9254

Further Info:
Serigraphie Populaire / www.seripop.com / info@seripop.com
Aids Wolf / www.myspace.com/aidswolf
Runar Magnusson (Iceland) / www.myspace.com/runarmagnusson / Others TBA
Sand Festival / www.sandfesthk.com

Curated by:
LOUDSPKR / www.loudspkr.org / info@loudspkr.org / t. +852 9570 6617
White Noise Records / www.whitenoiserecords.org

Supported by:
Para/Site Art Space
/ www.para-site.org.hk
IdN (International Designers Network) / www.idnproshop.com

FEB 3rd @ Ka-pok

senseless sweat, with celestial soot